July #SaMSpecial


Celebrate Independence Day with out July #SaMSpecial. This months customized sleeve #SaMSpecial features quotes by John F. Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, and Theodore Roosevelt.


Show your patriotism this July with our #SaMSpecial custom designs. Sleeve a Message’s talented design team has holiday coffee sleeves for every season and occasion!

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Print this month’s 4th of July quote sequence on one side of your coffee sleeves for just the cost of double-sided printing! Got a quote you think should go on a sleeve? Tweet it to @SleeveaMessage with #SaMSpecial.


Sleeve a Message also offers variable printing! Variable printing allows coffee shops to put up to twenty different images within a single-case of 1,500 sleeves. Variable printing keeps customers engaged with their coffee sleeve and coming back to see what will be on their next cup of coffee.


If you have something to say, put it on a sleeve today! For more information or to order your custom coffee sleeves call 1 (877) SLEEVE6